Getting fit

Today I am starting my quest to live healthy once again. This time, I am inspired by Maswood Islam. He seems to have gotten much fitter in the last couple of months.

Needless to say, I tried quite a few times before. Every time I failed miserably.

The goal is this: building healthier eating habits, a better sleeping routine, and working out regularly.

What am I doing differently this time? These:

I am starting with just one thing: my dinner. I will eat early (within eight thirty pm) instead of usual late irregular dinner that I have now. The menu will be vegetables rich. And I will prepare it myself. That's it for now. Nothing more.

I am hoping with that, I will sleep early. But I won't push me for this untill my dinner routine becomes regular enough. Once that happens, I will have time to workout before going to the office some day, and that would be nice.

Hope this works this time.